Friday, September 23, 2011


The past few days, I have added pacing and jiggling. I have gone for a couple of short bike rides. I have run up and down the stairs. I have parked far from the door of whatever building I plan to enter. So, I have increased movement a little. BUT. IS that enough? I submit to you, "NO, it is not enough!"  Haha, that sounds like I am shouting, huh? But I'm not. I am being more like a lawyer in a courtroom, pleaing the case. The case, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for exercise. It is a critical part of any weight loss program.

Starting Monday, I am inviting you to report your exercise with me every day!  I am going to start a regular exercise program of committing to something every day Monday - Saturday.

Now, we don't all have to be as energetic as Amy, who rides her bicycle 12 miles a day to commute to work. Although it would be very beneficial to each of us to do that while we save our planet! (Once, I rode my bicycle 10 miles to work and home one day. I didn't die. It was amazing! Well, and surprising! haha!) 

However, we have to decide how many minutes per day and what type of exercise we will do each day. Perhaps you are at the level of being so out of shape that you need to start by walking out to get the mail. Hey, that is super ok!  We all have to start somewhere. You don't need someone to tell you what to do, do you? You already know that. You just need to do it.

So, how about if you do it with us?

On Monday, I will tell you exactly what I did and how much time I spent exercising. Then, in the comment section below, you will add your comment of what you did and how long. You can also add anything else you want to. Maybe you would like to share how you were feeling when you did this!

WHO IS WITH ME?  Anyone? Anyone?  :)  Any thin people who want to join in this segment....?

1 comment:

  1. Amy!

    Since you are already fit and healthy, you don't need to really refine your routine, right?

    But since you are nearly a genius (I said "nearly" so you wouldn't feel pressured ;D )
    we would still appreciate anything you would like to share as you travel around the world of knowledge. That blog link you shared was fab!

    Happy bike commuting! Yay for saving the planet!
    p.s. enjoy the bacon and cookies enough for both of us! ;)
